Monday, October 29, 2007

Halloween Criss Cross Cards

I was going to make little fruit cups for my grade level and my student teacher. I didn't have anything to fill them with so I had fun using my Creepy Crawly paper to make some criss cross cards.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Mental Health Day

On Friday, I took a mental health day from work to take a class called, "Not Your Grandmother's Bowls." The class was teaching how to make bowls using clothesline wrapped in fabric then sewn together in a coil using a zigzag. You hold the bowl at a different angle to get the bowl shape. My mom had an article in a magazine a little while back and I really wanted to make one. Since I like to learn visually I really wanted to take the class. It was a great class with a great teacher. It was exactly what I needed right now. The first bowl is the bowl I made in class, the other two are ones I made at home on my own after the class. Guess what everyone will be getting for Christmas this year?!?